Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I'm Baaaack!

You may have noticed that I've been a little M.I.A. For the last two *gasp* months. In blogger time that's the equivalent of oh...about 27 years, so hopefully I haven't lost too many of my readers! 

I must admit that I was a bit naive going into this blogging thing. I went in far too hard and in the end, I just couldn't keep it up (insert "that's what she said" joke here because that totally just sounded like an erectile dysfunction commercial)! Basically, I just burnt myself out trying to come up with topics to write about daily and it got a whole lot less fun. fast. I always knew it would take time to write, edit and take photographs for my posts, but I never imagined just how time consuming it would be!

Lately I've been finding myself missing the writing and creating process and after receiving some kind words from some lovely ladies, I've decided to jump back in! This time though, with a lot less weekly posts (2-3 a week sounds about right). I Hope those of you who stuck around (and any new readers) will enjoy the content I do share because I'm excited to be back at it!


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