Friday, August 15, 2014

Fit Friday - Snack Attack!

I don't know about you, but I need to snack multiple times a day. Not only does it keep me feeling satisfied so I don't want stuff my face, it also keeps my metabolism chugging along at a steady pace. Before I committed myself to eating healthy (which was about two years ago), salty crunchy treats were my fave! It wasn't uncommon for me to chow down a bag of chips in one sitting!

These days I pay a lot more attention to what I put in my body (funny how getting closer to the big 3-0 has a way of doing that to a gal), so I've had to find a way to keep my snacks low calorie and healthy!

Here's a few of my go-to's:
Berries - Blackberries, blueberries, raspberries...I love them all! They are sweet and tangy and are great sources of antioxidants! Throw in a handful of chocolate roasted (NOT chocolate covered) almonds and it's almost like dessert!

Green Apples and Peanut Butter - I've been eating this since I was a kid and I never get sick of it! Go with an all natural peanut butter for the most benefits without the added chemicals. Or grind your own! 

Mama Chia Squeezes - If you haven't tried these, they're little pouches of puréed fruit and veggies with tons of chia seeds in it! They make great snacks to keep in your purse since they don't have to be refrigerated and they're only 70 calories! 

Hummus and Veggies - Buy those individual sized hummus packs and dip your fave veggies in it. My favorite are raw carrots, cauliflower and peppers. 

Popcorn - The 100 calorie size only! Great super filling snack with lots of fiber!

Kind Bars - 100% natural granola bars. They have just the right amount of chewiness and crunch and aren't overly sweet.

Hard Boiled Eggs - This is a no-brainer! Yummy portable snack you can prepare ahead of time and take with you to work. I even like to make healthy deviled eggs for work lunches using only mustard and paprika mixed with the yoke. You can add some Greek yogurt instead of mayo if you'd like.

Hope I have given you all some new snack ideas! What do you reach for when your tummy starts to rumble?


1 comment:

  1. Hey Cassie! I love your blog & decided to tag you in the Liebster Award! It's a fun tag for new bloggers. Here are my questions for you to answer have fun :)
    Abigail xx


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