Thursday, August 7, 2014

Chic for Cheap: BCBG

Feast your eyes on this BCBG stunner! It’s the Rose Strapless Tiered Gown and it is currently on sale for $147.84 from $528.00! In that gorge sapphire shade and with that trendy peplum accent, it is the perfect dress to get you through the upcoming Winter wedding season! Just throw on a white fur shawl (faux of course!) and you are good to go!

Have you ladies found any good deals lately? Leave me a comment and fill me in! A trip to the mall is definetly in my near future!



  1. BCBG is one of my favorite brands and I usually end up buying dresses from a new collection. And I am getting very upset if later on I find same dresses that go on sale... For example, yesterday I wrote about my short pink BCBG dress (here: and found that the dress is on sale: just $147 as opposed to $368 that I paid.... :(((
    In other words, I love to find deals but I very much dislike when the pieces that I bough for a full price go on sale.

    1. Aw I hate when that happens! :( Thanks for commenting!

      x's - Cassie

  2. This dress is stunning, the colour, the style... Perfect! I wish I had excuse to get it. ;)

    1. I know right? I wish I had a reason to get it too! So pretty and unique! Thanks for stopping by! :)

      x's - Cassie

  3. I absolutely love the color and design of this dress. It is really beautiful. Thanks for placing such a beautiful dress on your blog!!!


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